OxyaOrigin Project NFT


Public Sale Price: 0.064

Collection Count: 7,897 Item



Website: Link




Imagine living in a fantasy world where 3D magical characters live and govern planets. Each character would work together to take care of the land and keep it safe. With battles to fight for each planet that is inhabited, the creatures need to survive and defeat their opponents.

 MINT DATE: January 22,2022


OxyaOrigin Project NFT Mint Price And Floor Price Details

What if you woke up one day from a dream, straight from this magical land? With OxyaOrigin Project NFT you can own such 3D characters created by some of the greatest and most talented artists, game developers, and entrepreneurs. In this blog post, we cover everything you need to know from who the 3D characters are, to important events, giveaways, how to buy, and more!

OxyaOrigin Project NFT Overview

OxyaOrigin Project NFT Items7.8K
Unique Owners1.4K
OxyaOrigin Project NFT Floor Price0.064
Volume Traded13K

What Is OxyaOrigin Project NFT

OxyaOrigin Project NFT Mint Price & Floor Price Details

The OxyaOrigin Project NFT is a collection of 7898 3D characters (called Oxyans) and is the first of its kind collaborate-to-earn RPG that includes land conquests, social experiments, and in-game governance.

The designs have primarily been created by Laury Guintrand who is known for some of the best pieces of production art including Avengers, Disney, The Witcher, Netflix, Nike, and more.

The concept of the OxyaOrigin Project NFT is based in the year 2533 wherein Ego has destroyed humans and everything left of humanity is divided into 3 planets namely, Luxion, Naia, and Kyro, and 9 unique tribes.

Tribes Of Planet Naya: The Sakari is the military tribe of the planet Naya and they have warrior souls with a responsibility to ensure the aristocrats’ protection. The Anokyes tribe are healers and create wonderful drugs from wildlife. They are connected to another parallel world that gives them special powers.

Tribes Of Planet Kyro: The Vaalbarä tribe is the most developed of the tribes on planet Kryo and lives in rightful cities. They fight battles and are known to not show mercy. The Kÿlmäs is a mysterious tribe who live in underground tunnels and handcraft their weapons.

Tribes Of Planet Luxion: The Hybrizz tribe on the last planet Luxion was affected by the great plague on planet Earth and therefore wear exoskeletons to survive. They do not fear death and have no sense of individualism.

Other tribes and members of the tribes are yet to be announced. Each Oxygen is hand-drawn and is defined by more than 250 attributes. This means that there are possibly many levels of rarity. The NFT is stored as an ERC-721 token and hosted on IPFS.

OxyaOrigin Project NFT Important Dates

On January 5th, 2022 a raffle was announced. The details of the raffle were posted on the OxyaOrigin Project NFT Twitter.

The NFT minting was announced for the next day on 6th January 2022 with an OxyaOrigin Project NFT mint price of 0.30 ETH in addition to the Gas fees. The mint was limited to 2 NFTs per wallet. At the time of the mint, all the 7898 Oxyans were sold out.

Also read: ByoPills NFT Mint Price And Floor Price: Key To The Byoverse

OxyaOrigin Project NFT Roadmap

OxyaOrigin Project NFT Details

Even though the OxyaOrigin Project NFT is a fairly new project in the marketplace, they have tons of impressive activities planned. After the recent release of the tribes, the project plans to introduce the lands that they live on, the legendary animals with unique characteristics that inhabit their lands, and the epic tales that they tell.

The team states that 10% of the OS royalties will go to the nobility the details of the chosen organizations are yet to be released.

The second half of the year for OxyaOrigin will look a lot like a browser game that will grow in complexity and size as it progresses throughout the year. To follow up with what looks like an extraordinary story, they have planned to launch an OxysOrigin marketplace where their owners and players can trade rare NFTs.

The OxyaOrigin team will also work on an expansion pack in the final quarter of the year that will allow for a daily rewards system.

What leaves us breathless is the highly anticipated Metaverse integration in the year 2023 and beyond.  The possibilities are so vast that it is hard to pinpoint them all. There is so much building around this monumental idea. To know more, check out the roadmap listed on their website.

OxyaOrigin Project NFT Sales Statistics

As of 25th January 2024, the OxyaOrigin Project NFT floor price is at 0.064 ETH with a total volume trade of 13K ETH according to OpenSea.

OxyaOrigin Project NFT Price Prediction

The OxyaOrigin Project NFT is fairly new and it would be hard to predict its future performance just yet. The list of activities and releases planned in the roadmap is quite impressive and could make this NFT project gain some value.

While it’s too early to predict, we wouldn’t be surprised if we see growth in the community after the release of new features. As far as an exact price prediction goes – it would be irresponsible to make one at this time, but we suspect that the project will gain value in future months if executed properly.

OxyaOrigin Project NFT: Where To Buy

Participate In Giveaways And Other Rewarding Activities

Giveaways are a great way to win the OxyaOrigin Project NFTs. Considering that the team has many rewarding activities planned in the roadmap, ensure that you participate actively and make the most of it. Here’s one whitelist giveaway that was hosted on 29th December 2021.